Who are we?
Umbrella of Hope was founded in 2007 because two sisters found the circumstances in which some children grow up unbearable. Sisters Wambui and Grace grew up in Nyeri, Grace became a teacher there, Wambui followed a hotel training, now has a travel agency and lives in the Netherlands. Together they founded the Umbrella of Hope Foundation to do something concrete about the situation of children in Nyeri.
Umbrella of Hope is an independent Private Initiative. Everyone works completely voluntarily, no form of remuneration is paid, not even travel expenses. Donations and gifts, after deduction of bank charges, fully benefit our objective.
The foundation is still looking for new board members with an affinity for fundraising.
The foundation is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 17210429
The foundation has been designated by the tax authorities as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI) under the name: Umbrella of Hope
Address: Bouvingne 49 Eindhoven
Bank details: NL 83 ABNA 0464747309 in the name of Umbrella of Hope

Wambui wa Gicheru
board member
Wambui Wa Gicheru is deeply moved by the circumstances in which children live in Kenya. Children who, due to lack of food and daily supervision, cannot develop their talents. She looked for a way in which she could contribute to a better future for the children. Wambui and her husband Eugene have a travel agency, specialized in East Africa travel with an office in Nyeri. This gives them the opportunity to visit the project regularly.

Eugene Nijssen
chairman - secretary
Chairman Eugène Nijssen saw during his travels to Kenya and other parts of Africa the great inequality in opportunities and possibilities of people. In Umbrella of Hope he sees an excellent opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions in Africa and specifically for the children in Nyeri.

Peter den Hartog
Treasurer Peter den Hartog worked in logistics services. From a young age he has been active in youth and young people's work, both as a manager and as an administrator. During a visit to Umbrella of Hope in Nyeri he saw how a little help for that one child can make a difference. Motivated by this, he uses his energy and experience to offer the children of Umbrella of Hope a better future perspective.
Mercy Wangechi Kimaru
Faith Wanjiru Kimaru
Mercy and Wanjiru are the daughters of founder Grace. These 2 young women form our team in Nyeri.
Mercy's motivation to commit to Umbrella of Hope: Nobody chooses their parents, nobody chooses their background. “Education is the key to a brighter future”
Wanjiru's motivation: Many children in Nyeri grow up in families where there is a lack of food and clothing. These circumstances affect their self-confidence, self-image and school results. I want to improve these circumstances so that they gain confidence in the future.