what can you do?
For the continuity of Umbrella of Hope, your support is still urgently needed at this time.
The Umbrella of Hope foundation consists exclusively of volunteers, who receive no compensation. The only costs are necessary administration costs, mainly bank costs. All other funds benefit the children in Nyeri. You can request our annual reports from our treasurer info@umbrellaofhope.org
Donate Online
Would you like to donate? Awesome!!
Any contribution, no matter how small, is welcome.
A monthly automatic transfer of €12.50 gives us the certainty that we can support one child for an entire school year.
We would like to receive your donation on account number: NL 83 ABNA 0464747309 (in the name of Umbrella of Hope-Eindhoven). This is by far the cheapest for us and guarantees that all the money you donate goes to Umbrella of Hope.
Umbrella of Hope has a so-called ANBI declaration ( RSIN number: 818365250) .
Therefore, under certain terms and conditions, you can deduct your donations from your income tax. For the highest tax bracket, this could mean that you get 52% of your donation back, or that you can give Umbrella of Hope significantly more without it costing you more money.
Any questions? Feel free to contact us at info@umbrellaofhope.org

Umbrella of Hope helped me to use my potential to the max
Mwanaindi ( one of the 1st participants in 2007 )